Glossy Tile FAQs
How do glossy wall tiles work?
When you receive your tile print(s), just peel off the sticker on the front and back of the Command Strip, stick on the back of the tile, and stick your picture to your wall. Then, step back and admire!
Do glossy wall tiles come in multiple sizes?
At this time, we offer our tiles in size 8”x 8”.
Will they damage walls?
Nope! These are damage-free, leaving no marks.
Are they restickable?
They sure are! When you’re ready for a decor refresh, simply peel off the wall and restick to a new spot or replace with a new glossy tile print. If the 3M Command Strip adhesive is not as good as it was the first time you put them on your wall, we’d suggest using new 3M Command Strips.
Can you expedite my order?
We sure can! Opt for our EXPEDITED shipping method at checkout, and we’ll ship them out in 1-2 business days. After they ship, they’ll be on your doorstep in 1-4 business days.
Will glossy wall tiles stick to any wall surface?
Almost any! They will stick on most smooth surfaces. They will not stick on textured surfaces, such as brick. They will also not stick on wallpaper, nor will they stick to glass that is exposed to direct sunlight or moisture. And if you recently painted a wall, just be sure to wait up to 7 days before decorating with glossy wall tiles.