Groupon Voucher FAQs
Where do I enter my Groupon voucher code?
To apply your Groupon voucher code, visit and enter your voucher code that begins with ‘CPGROUP’. If you can’t find your voucher, please contact
Groupon directly.
What if my Groupon voucher doesn’t work?
Don’t fret! Double-check that the voucher code you entered begins with ‘CPGROUP’.
Your voucher code that begins with ‘CPGROUP’ can be found in your Groupon account under “My Groupons”, but if you have any trouble finding your voucher code, we recommend contacting
Groupon directly, and they will be able to send that code to you!
If you still have trouble getting your voucher code to apply, please send your voucher code over to our customer love team via email at
[email protected] and they will be happy to assist!
How do I use my Groupon voucher to place an order?
To use your Groupon voucher, please do the following:
2) Enter your Groupon voucher code that begins with ‘CPGROUP’ and click "Apply Now". (For assistance with locating your voucher code, we recommend contacting
Groupon directly.)
3) Start shopping by selecting the item size of the Groupon you purchased.
4) Finalize the items in your cart and proceed to checkout.
5) On the "VERIFY & SUBMIT" final step screen, you will choose your shipping method, review your total, and place your order!
For additional assistance on how to order your canvas print, we recommend watching our video tutorial
Why do I have to pay anything extra if I bought or have a Groupon?
Your Groupon voucher will cover the size and quantity stated on your voucher. The only additional fees you pay for on our website are for anything extra you add to the order (additional canvases or upgrades), shipping (if applicable), and tax (if applicable).
How do I use more than one Groupon voucher at the same time, on the same order?
If you have multiple Groupon vouchers to use, be sure to use each voucher toward a separate order on our website. Groupon vouchers are limited to 1 per order. Multiple Groupon vouchers cannot be combined into one order.
To use each Groupon voucher, begin each new order by doing the following:
2) Enter your Groupon voucher code that begins with ‘CPGROUP’ and click "Apply Now". (For assistance with locating your voucher code, we recommend contacting
Groupon directly.)
3) Start shopping by selecting the item size of the Groupon you purchased.
4) Finalize the items in your cart and proceed to checkout.
5) On the "VERIFY & SUBMIT" final step screen, you will choose your shipping method, review your total, and place your order!
My single voucher was valid for multiple canvases, but I accidentally placed an order for only one canvas. What should I do?
Please reach out to our customer love team via email with your order number at
[email protected] and we will be happy to look into this for you!
What if I'm not satisfied with the canvas print(s) I received through my Groupon offer?
We're sorry that you didn't love your canvas! If you would like a refund or replacement on your canvas, simply cut out a section of the canvas print(s) in question, take a photo of the full canvas showing it unusable, and email the image to us at
[email protected]. Upon receipt, we will issue either a refund or a replacement voucher to reorder, depending on your preference! If you do opt for a refund, we will issue a refund of the amount paid directly on our website, and we will also reach out to Groupon on your behalf to issue a refund/credit of the amount paid for the voucher on their website.
NOTE: We are able to issue refunds within 90 days of placing your order on
I still have some questions…
If we didn’t answer your question above, please reach out to us via email at
[email protected] and we will be happy to assist!